Counseling Services


Individual Counseling

A safe space for those in search of healing and personal growth. Whether you're dealing with depression, a break-up, or just feeling stuck - counseling can help you heal from trauma, decrease symptoms, discover your truth, and remove roadblocks that keep you from living it.

Counseling is offered online via a HIPPA compliant video platform and can be offered in person if you are in the Dayton/Cincinnati area


Couples Counseling

A space for partners to heal their relationship, resolve interpersonal conflicts, work through challenges, improve communication, and increase understanding of one another.

Counseling is offered online via a HIPPA compliant video platform and can be offered in person if you are in the Dayton/Cincinnati area.

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Entrepreneur Wellness Coaching

As a creator/entrepreneur, it can be a challenge to balance it all. Wellness and self-care often get put on the back burner but are the very things that can keep us from reaching our full potential. Wellness coaching can help you find and maintain the balance between creating and wellness.